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[st_row gradient_color=”0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000″ gradient_direction=”vertical” img_repeat=”full” 1=”video_url_mp4″ autoplay=”yes” child_of=”none” div_padding_top=”10″ div_padding_bottom=”10″ div_padding_right=”10″ div_padding_left=”10″ id_wrapper=”elm_594bfb2d022c1″ ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_594bfb2d02278″ ][st_text 1=”#_EDITTED” 2=”#_EDITTED” wrapper_padding_top=”0″ wrapper_padding_left=”0″ wrapper_padding_bottom=”0″ wrapper_padding_right=”0″ wrapper_bg_opacity_slider=”” id_wrapper=”elm_594bfb2d02229″ ]We all need a vision for life. Weather for your relationships, finances, physically, spiritually, or emotionally we all have need for a clear and compelling picture to move towards. Vision guides us. It keeps us inspired. It fills us with the belief that there is a better tomorrow head of us. The problem is that far too many of us live our lives without a sense of a compelling future. Vision is so powerful that even the Bible speaks about it. It tells us that without vision people perish. Some translations say that without it people live without restraint. That means that they are living without any kind of guidance or direction. If you’ve ever woken up in the morning wondering where your life is headed or what you should be doing this is usually a sign that there is nothing compelling that you were looking towards. You need a vision for your life that empowers and inspires you.


In order to have a vision for your life you first have to understand what your mission for life is. Your mission for life is what you have been put on this Earth to fulfill and do. Your mission is your relentless pursuit. Vision is what that pursuit should look like by the time you leave this earth. The reason why there are far too many people who do not have a compelling vision is because they lack a clear understanding of what their basic mission in life is. They lack the understanding or the knowledge of why they have been put on this Earth by God and what He has created them to do. So if you want a clear vision then you first must revisit your life’s mission.[/st_text][/st_column][/st_row][st_row id_wrapper=”elm_594bfb2d02c75″ ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_594bfb2d02c37″ ][st_text id_wrapper=”elm_594bfb2d02bf8″ ][/st_text][/st_column][/st_row]